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Review – Knock and You Will See Me by Andrew Cull

Review – Knock and You Will See Me by Andrew Cull

A very special thanks goes out to www.theboldmom.com for sending this review our way!!! make sure to check out the site for great news and reviews on horror fiction!!!


“Knock and You Will See Me” by Andrew Cull is-a-terror-book. What do I mean? You better have a light on when you read it.

A loving parent protecting her children from something she cannot even understand.

A ghostly story, taking the reader to shivers. While you hold this book, you check your back very often.

Cull’s writing is very easy to drown into. His words are soft and warm, you don’t even realize you’re letting the fear into your room.

A strong, loving family and a deep, dark memory of the dead tie the thread. The link is broken when no one believes her word and how she and her kids are being harassed by something they cannot explain.

The book is very catching, I read it in two hours because I just couldn’t stop. You don’t escape from Cull’s story because the images are too real and the scenario too familiar. It gives you the impression that it could perfectly happen to you. We all have loving relatives who die and we think we get over it. But… and if they were back? Screaming at you? Silent yelling… I loved this book.

“Death is silence. It’s not the crying and the grieving. It’s not the condolences or the pastor’s patronising words. It’s not the pain, like a heart attack, that seizes you in the dark when you close your eyes. No, it’s the never-ending, fucking silence of it. It’s never hearing their voice again. Not a word. Not a sound. Not ever again.”

The author doesn’t take you out of reality, he buries you in a rotten yard you take for real. Thick black water… maggots… the smell of death. Scared kids, a loving mom, the devil. A story filled with psychological terror, perfect to take away your sleep and bring back your panic when you’re alone in the dark.

If you like subconscious terror and you’re looking for a good book to spend the night with, this is your piece. I honestly enjoyed the fear Cull spills in your mind and the way he doesn’t let you go. It’s like a whisper “You will stay. You will watch, panic, shake. And you will want more.”

Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Knock-You-Will-See-Me-ebook/dp/B0776NHZ2P/

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