Michael Butt Releases a Brand New Feature ‘Withdrawal’

Riki Ferrel
By Riki Ferrel 1 Min Read

Michael Butt and MORE-on Productions bring you a brand new feature, Withdrawal!! Withdrawal has been described as “Planes Trains and Automobiles mixed with The Crazies” In true Michael Butt fashion the film brings a unique mix of humor and hysteria.

Synopsis – The United States has fallen in love with a new miracle drug, but when strange side effects pop up it is quickly yanked from the market. This causes some extreme withdrawal symptoms including Irrationality and Violence.

Withdrawal has it’s Theatrical Premiere on October 11th at 7pm. If you are in the Red Wing, Wisconsin area head over to Red Wing Cinema 8. If you miss seeing it in the theater, you suck, but you can catch it steaming on PushPlay starting Nov 1st. For more Michael Butt Films head on over to the MORE-on Productions website or check out their Facebook page

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Riki studied film at the New York, London and Los Angeles Film Academies simultaneously. He has directed, produced and starred in multiple award winning movies… All of that is complete and total bullshit. Riki is just a middle aged man who has loved horror movies since Poltergeist scared the shit out of him at age nine. I mean, seriously he checked under every bed for like five years. Fuck that clown! Now he's a writer and contributor for horror-fix.com.
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