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Matt Sconce’s Altar Arrives on Digital HD

Matt Sconce’s Altar Arrives on Digital HD

“a found footage film well worth watching” –Found Footage Critic

Movie Heroes Studios has partnered with Distribber for the nationwide VOD release of Matt Sconce’s Altar. A group of old friends take a trip down memory lane in the Sierra Nevadas which ends in a bloody fight for survival. Since its premiere at the Northern Virginia International Film Festival, Altar has picked up almost two dozen awards on the festival circuit, including 4 for Best Feature, 2 Best Actress Awards for Stefanie Estes and 2 for Best Director. After a limited theatrical release, Altar is now available on iTunes, Amazon, Google Play, Xbox, PlayStation Network, and on Hulu as of July 1st.

Sconce (Stricken) directed from a script he penned. Stefanie Estes, Jesse Parr, Brittany Falardeau, Deep Rai, Jessica Strand and Tim Parrish star as the unfortunate group of former classmates.

Order Altar on iTunes
Order Altar on Amazon Instant

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