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Kristin Stewart doppleganger heads up cast in new ‘Light’s Out’ Trailer

Kristin Stewart doppleganger heads up cast in new ‘Light’s Out’ Trailer


Now that we have your attention, and yes, she does look remarkably like the highly emotive and broad ranged actress from the beloved Twilight series, let’s take a look at the new trailer for the horror short inspired feature ‘Light’s Out’ from producer James Wan. Wan famous for such hits as “what’s that over there” and “loud sound now that it’s over here and in your face” is only serving as producer on this and although I genuinely like a lot of Wan’s efforts, I think that’s a good thing as the director of the original short, David Sandberg is taking the reigns on this one and I think it not only shows an attempt to keep the tone the same, but also allow Sandberg to work his magic on the big screen this time around. Light’s Out hits theaters July 22nd with that Teresa Palmer girl making all the teenage boys in the audience sparkle. Enjoy the trailer and the original short that inspired it below.

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