Alex Noyer is excited to announce his directorial debut, the short film Conductor, will premiere at Horrible Imaginings this weekend before embarking on a festival run. The seven minute film follows a music engineer as she mentors a young aficionado through composing a beat for a once in a lifetime competition, with devastating consequences.
808 producer said wanted to not only study the use of drum machines and beat making in a horror setting but also contemplate the price of the pursuit of fame along with the consequences of
today‘s need for instant gratification.
Conductor will screen first at Santa Ana’s Horrible Imaginings. The film will appear in the
Faith, Livelihood and Identity Short Film block, screening September 2nd at 11 am at the Frida Cinema.
Conductor will then travel to downtown Provo, UT for the Film Quest Film Festival. It will screen
September 7 at 9 pm in the Midnight Madness Shorts block at Velour.