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E3 2016: Most Impressive Horror Games

E3 2016: Most Impressive Horror Games

The horror genre is always laden with something new and the E3 2016 was another window for seeing new announcements on that front. If you are an ardent follower of the genre however, you will perfectly understand that a good number of the games usually fail to live up to expectations.  Some of them have clichéd stories and others are just not scary enough.  This piece saves you the grief by listing the most impressive horror games from E3 2016 that you should consider getting.


vampyr-video-game-e3Dontnod Entertainment thrilled gamers with the Life is Strange adventure game and they are back with a bang with this horror release. In Vampyr, players are required to take control of a vampire doctor who has to drink the blood of innocent people to survive. This nerve jangling twist is blood curdling because usually, you will be shooting vampires aiming to suck the blood of victims. Not cut out for such level of gore? Go for something less heart beat pumping like casino gaming using PayPal casinos online like those here www.paypal-casinos.co. If you are up for some disturbing gaming however, grab this as soon as it hits the shelves.

Resident Evil VII

We are all tired of Resident Evil sequels but this one is very interesting. It is the first instalment in the series that ditches the third person viewpoint for an immersive first-person VR horror.  If you loved Capcom’s Kitchen VR demo, you would definitely love this instalment.  With it, Resident Evil could redefine horror gaming once again.

Outlast II

It wasn’t the centre of attraction in any of the big E3 press conferences but the game was attendees were able to see an extended gameplay demo for Outlast II.  The game features new locations, new enemies, new scares and more. It is sure one of the most impressive horror games from the event and could make decent viewing if it is carried over to TV.

Here They Lie

This is another VR horror game from Sony apart from Resident Evil VII.  The game is mysterious and unnerving and since it is expected to launch in October, it is the perfect Halloween entertainment.

Friday the 13th

friday-13th-video-game-gameplayFriday the 13th is a multiplayer horror game that captured attention at the E3. The raw power of vicious killer Jason Voorhees and the experience of trying to be safe from him promises to be every inch very gripping. The game is another one that would make for a great Halloween entertainment or gift as it is equally expected to launch this October.

The horror genre took the back seat a bit in this year’s E3 when compared to other years. From the several games that did make an appearance, these are the best of the lot.

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