Frolic round-up: news and new releases from Jared Masters
Happy Spooktober and baby, have we got some treats for you… It’s not Christmas. It’s not Valentine’s Day. It’s 31 days of Halloween and to celebrate this thrilling month of horror, Frolic Pictures has teamed up with the latest industry professionals to bring you biggest, most important DVD release of the year:
Trailer Massacre …A wild, outrageous, non-stop, action-packed collection of the best grindhouse trailers, hand-selected by Hollywood exploitation filmmaker Jared Masters! One hundred gorgeous and gritty 35mm trailers from the best and most badass movies from a bygone era! Loads of beautiful bevies and booming explosions from lost films and films that should be! Load up on 60’s space age camp, 70’s sleaze and 80’s action, horror, cult comedies and a whole lot more mess! Grind out over three and a half hours of cinematic madness, packaged perfectly in this must-have DVD from Frolic Pictures! For the serious cinephile and avid B-movie lover only! Discover lost gems, many never before released on DVD! Be thrilled and pleasantly surprised with each unique program. It’s like going to a drive-in but in the comfort of your own home. Sleaze and 80’s action, horror, cult comedies and a whole lot more mess! Grind out over three and a half hours of cinematic madness, packaged perfectly in this must-have DVD from Frolic Pictures! For the serious cinephile and avid B-movie lover only! Discover lost gems, many never before released on DVD! Be thrilled and pleasantly surprised with each unique program. It’s like going to a drive-in but in the comfort of your own home.
New uncut re-release:
Deadly Punkettes: Uncut … The version too hot for theatres is finally back on DVD, after being banned globally! Over twenty additional minutes of spooky, sizzling paranormal schoolgirl punk madness. Originally pulled from local video store shelves in 2014 for its indecency Now, the adult version of the critically condemned mini-masterpiece and praised by the Clown Girls of Atlanta for its sheer entertainment value and authenticity, can be yours to own, for a small fee. A lead singer in a teenage girl-band, mysteriously dies and soon haunts the other members, their new manager and her replacement. See the version too hot for theaters! You have to see this unrated, uncut movie in its truest form! Winner of the Festival Favorite award at the Galactic Film Festival. Witness these rising pop-punks bare it all, along with comedy legend Andy Dick! A band is born. The first of it’s kind, melding an all-girl group novelty with paranormal terror. The plot twists hardly promise to be tame. Chock full of sassy, silly, and seductive female characters and shot in glorious 16mm!
Teachers’ Day (Director’s Cut)
The original version of Teachers’ Day (AKA After School Massacre) is now back on DVD, after being unfairly banned in 12 countries for its shocking nature of a boob and blood-splatter. Grab a copy before it’s pulled again by the censors! You won’t believe your eyes as Jared Masters’ 80’s style slasher unfolds across your mother’s flat screen. Two high school students, head to the room of their senior year history teacher, Mr. Anderson to deal with a little problem. See, during class he confiscated a hat and they want it back, and on top of that, they’re upset that he hasn’t accepted their friend request! When he relents and accepts the request, those above him feel he’s broken professional protocol and he’s fired on the spot. He doesn’t take too kindly to this news, and reacts by killing both the principal who fired him and an innocent secretary, before finding all the girls at a sleepover.
Coming soon:
Roller Junkies! Check out the new trailer for Jared Masters’ next film!
Now streaming:
Quartz Vein (2021):
And finally, check out these must-see, obscure horror double feature DVDs:

Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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