Artsploitation Films announces the upcoming release of Dead Dicks,a psychological horror/sci-fi film directed by Chris Bavota and Lee Paula Springer. The story of a young man’s attempts...
TERROR FILMS continues to pave the way toward its worldwide digital expansion in its latest partnership with Italian streamer HODTV. On the heels of direct partnerships with...
Arrow Video Channel Bites Into July LineupSVOD Channel Offers Classic and Cutting Edge Cult Cinema July Seasons Include Asia Extreme & 80s HorrorNew Titles Include Zombie...
Bayview Entertainment releases two new horror genre movies, Rutabaga and Alien Butchers, now available on DVD everywhere. RutabagaAdrien, a young journalist, receives an assignment to...
“A Bloody, Frightening, and Exciting Thrill Ride” – Film School Rejects RLJE Films, a business unit of AMC Networks, has picked up select rights to BELZEBUTH from...
Production on Season 2 Remains on Hold During COVID Lockdown Shudder, AMC Networks’ premium streaming service for horror, thriller and the supernatural, announced today that...
Wrestle Massacre “Everything you need for a late night horror treat”- Horror Society The wrestling world bodyslams the horror genre in this June’s funnest fright-flick!...