Rob Zombie’s family of serial killers is coming home in style, in the Rob Zombie Trilogy arriving September 8 on Steelbook™ Blu-ray from Lionsgate, exclusively at Target. The...
Artsploitation Films announces the upcoming release of Dead Dicks,a psychological horror/sci-fi film directed by Chris Bavota and Lee Paula Springer. The story of a young man’s attempts...
Bayview Entertainment releases two new horror genre movies, Rutabaga and Alien Butchers, now available on DVD everywhere. RutabagaAdrien, a young journalist, receives an assignment to...
“A Bloody, Frightening, and Exciting Thrill Ride” – Film School Rejects RLJE Films, a business unit of AMC Networks, has picked up select rights to BELZEBUTH from...
Wrestle Massacre “Everything you need for a late night horror treat”- Horror Society The wrestling world bodyslams the horror genre in this June’s funnest fright-flick!...
Bayview Entertainment releases 2 Italian horror features, 42-66: The Origin of Evil and L38: The Face of Evil on DVD. They are available now at Amazon and other fine...
A WORK OF ART WITH A BODY COUNT The new distribution label from Bayview Entertainment &, “HNN Presents“, has announced their first acquisition, the 1980’s...
The Same Circles and Portmanteau: Chilling Tales of Murder and Madness are now available on DVD from Bayview Entertainment. The Same Circles Rory and Saff are...
Bayview Entertainment releases two absolutely crazy insane films from Italian cinema on DVD – “Doggo and the Shotguns Choir” & “Pizza Tales of Pizza and Gore” DOGGO...