The holiday season is often associated with joy, laughter, and cozy fireside moments—but for those who crave a darker twist, the combination of Christmas and...
Brace for impact as a meteor unleashes chaos, spreading a virus that transforms zoo animals into chilling zombies in the all-new movie: Starring David Harbour,...
Directed by Billie Mintz, “Making Manson” is a new examination of the notorious criminal in his own words collected through 20 years’ worth of phone...
“The Substance” has an eerie, thought-provoking quality that brings to mind the unsettling atmosphere of a classic Twilight Zone episode. Under Coralie Fargeat’s direction, the film...
Trash’s Revenge Crowdfunding Pre-Launch on CineBacker Linnea Quigley’s TRASH’S REVENGE from the Return of the Living Dead Universe crowdfunding pre-launch is LIVE on CineBacker. As...