It’s been 15 years since the disappearance of little Francesca, daughter of the renowned storyteller, poet and dramatist Vittorio Visconti, and the community is...
“Sexy and scary, tense and terrific, a superior and stylish revenge thriller” Film4 FrightFest UK TRAILER: JULIA (cert.18) is coming to UK DVD and Digital...
The Murders of Brandywine Theater was written and directed by Larry Longstreth (The Long, Slow Death of Twenty-Something), executive produced by Mark Ordesly (The Lord...
Wild Eye Releasing has announced the September 29th DVD and VOD release of Queen Crab. The latest film from cult auteur Brett Piper (They Bite, The Screaming Dead, Raiders...
And guess what didn’t hit dvd yesterday… “Wild Eye Releasing has announced a date change for their latest cinematic epidemic. A Plague So Pleasant will now...