Bakemono, Theatrical Premiere at Another Hole in the Head Film Festival on Dec 9th in San Francisco Japanese Monster Movie, BAKEMONO from director Doug Roos...
Black Market Escape Rooms Inc. Ventures into Hollywood with “MurderCo” Feature Film Black Market Escape Rooms Inc. (BMERINC) proudly announces the commencement of pre-production for...
THE DIRECTOR’S CUT OF “DEADLY REVISIONS” HAS ARRIVED! In celebration of the film’s ten-year anniversary, a brand new, ultimate cut of Gregory Blair’s award-winning psychological...
“The Red Book ritual 2: The Gate of Hell”, will be filmed in Paraguay. Black Mandala films (New Zealand/Argentina) led by Michael Kraetzer and Nicolas...
Heather Langenkamp returns In stacked genre film cast!: STALKED follows a group of Urban Exploration YouTubers who travel to the infamous town of “Slaughter Hill”,... A magnetic force pulls a small plane into the bermuda triangle, now a group of friends find themselves stalked by a beast.. in the...
“Horror Dadz Productions announces Website Launch, Upcoming Films” The crew behind Horror Dadz Productions is happy to announce two films in pre-production and the launch...