The Psychedelic Film and Music Festival has announced the award winners for its inaugural event which featured a lineup of science fiction, horror, fantasy and virtual...
Dynamite Entertainment announces a Kickstarter campaign for “The Art of Troma Experience.” The publisher expands and takes their partnership with Troma Entertainment to the next...
On Friday, September 14th Universal Studios rolled out the red carpet for the opening night celebration of “Halloween Horror Nights”! Filmmaker Jason Blum (The First...
Prepare for an illuminating journey when *The Psychedelic Film and Music Festival* holds its inaugural event featuring a lineup of science fiction, horror, fantasy, surrealist...
The Shriekfest Film Festival, an international horror/sci-fi film and screenplay competition, has announced the first three films of its 2018 feature film lineup. Film festival director...
The Shriekfest Film Festival, an international horror/sci-fi film and screenplay competition announces the 40* Finalists* selected for its International Screenplay Competition. The Finalists were selected from submissions from across the globe...
Hart Fisher’s American Horror Film Festival has EXTENDED it’s deadline until September 27th, 2018. You have an extra month to submit your work, and remember...
Popcorn Frights is proud to announce its inaugural Wicked Weekend event celebrating the Master of Horror John Carpenter. From October 4-7, 2018, four of John...
Films Feature: Diane Lane, Helena Bonham Carter, Logan Lerman, Gérard Depardieu, Sam Upton, Mark Boone Junior, Jared Abrahamson, Kate Vernon, Kerry Condon, Cassi Thomson, Laila...
*First Selections for 2018 Include World Premieres, Lost Films and Live Performances* In its anticipated annual tradition, Nightmares Film Festival (Oct. 18 to 21) today...