Ok. I am admittedly an unapologetic lover of the tenth season of the X-Files. To see Mulder, Scully, Skinner and more return literally had me begging for more episodes and it looks as though this next season is going to be nothing short of EPIC!!! So, dim the lights, grab your nearest red-headed federal agent and watch before the powers at be “unleash hell on earth”!!! CAN’T EFFING WAIT!!!

Aliens!!! Lone Gunmen!!! Scully Kicking Ass!!! Season 11 X-Files Trailer is HERE!!!
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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