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A Young Woman Finds Out What Really Scares Her in ‘THE DOCUMENTARY’

A Young Woman Finds Out What Really Scares Her  in ‘THE DOCUMENTARY’

The-Documentary-Walter-Moise-Movie-PosterTerror Film
s is set to release THE DOCUMENTARY onto digital platforms this Tuesday, August 22. The film was written and directed by Walter Moise (producer/editor of the award winning sci-fi indie Counter Clockwise).  The cast is comprised of Tristin Rupp, Jake B. Miller, and Aaron Bowden. The film’s official artwork and trailer are available now.

Through a found footage aesthetic, the story follows Sandra Novak (Rupp) who has agreed to be the subject of a documentary film. The documentary deals with “conquering fear.” Unbeknownst to her, the filmmaker that has chosen her may have ulterior motives as he infiltrates her home and begins to gather information to sabotage her relationship and her life.

Moise has something to say of the filmmaking process. Moise has said: “I was trying to capture the closest thing to actual reality. I shot the whole film in chronological order and chose not to write a script but a treatment that the actors would improvise.”  Moise also says that he has derived inspiration from the works of Michael Haenke and Stanley Kubrick.

In their ongoing effort to bring the best and most diverse indie horror content to the masses, Terror Films will release this film across multiple digital platforms. Platforms include:  iTunes, Amazon Instant/Prime, Vudu, Google Play/You Tube, X-Box Live and many others.  The release begins with North America and will be followed by a worldwide digital release on iFlix.

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