

By Ash 2 Min Read


Jackhammer Entertainment proudly announces the crowdfunding campaign for their original sci-fi/horror graphic novel, INVASION NANO SAPIENS, created and written by screenwriter/designer Corky Arnold, ( and graphic novel artist Ian J. Miller(

Check out the campaign at:

“Invasion Nano Sapiens” tells the story of a young, maverick scientist, Fulton Bengis, who creates experimental blood with living nano robotic red and white blood cells and platelets that can improve body functions and kill disease. But when his love, Alison Wintergreen, injects the blood without his knowledge to eradicate her terminal disease, she becomes the hive for a swarm of super-intelligent nanobots that turn her into a deadly being – Nano Sapiens.  Fulton risks everything as he tries to save her life.

“The Fly” meets the Borg from “Star Trek.”

“Invasion Nano Sapiens” is based on real nano robotic experiments going on now around the world and is the embryonic journey of what could come in medicine to kill cancer and other diseases – unless something goes horribly wrong… It depicts a new threat to human existence not seen anywhere else – and could happen.

“Invasion Nano Sapiens” started as an original screenplay by Corky Arnold, who is a sold screenwriter – as well as award-winning DGA director who has also designed effects for movies like “Star Trek.”  The graphic novel is the first step toward making the movie.  Credits for the team at Jackhammer Entertainment, where Corky is a partner, span Sci fi and horror movies released by Lionsgate to commercials for global brands like Coca Cola and Skittles.

Artist Ian Miller’s credits for comics and graphic novels include Z-MAN, a horror/zombie comic book series adapted into award-winning animation for Amazon Studios. 

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By Ash
Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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