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X-Mas Gifts for the Horror Fan in Your Life

X-Mas Gifts for the Horror Fan in Your Life


So each year we do the gift giving world a fantastic service and compile a list of items that help you the uhhh…we’ll call you “norms” for lack of a better term, find the perfect gift for us horror fanatics. Cuz let’s face it, we die-hard horror lovers are a finicky bunch and it’s easy to get us some thoughtless little trinket that we are undoubtedly just going to end up regifting to you sometime in the near Christmas future. So, let’s pack the pipe (really kids, can’t a person smoke a normal tobacco pipe these days?!?!) stoke the fire, and get our credit cards out cuz we are gonna so some bloody shopping!!!

Alien-Isolation-110. Alien: Isolation (video game, all platforms)
So, you might wanna ask if your prospective horror lover already has this lil ditty cuz it was released waaaaaay back in October, you know, that month where all the retail stores start decorating for Christmas a whole three months early…ahem…anyway, this game, set in the Alien universe that we all love harkened back to the good ole days of survival horror and takes the hyped up action elements that have failed the franchise so far largely out of the picture. With some good critical reviews, a fair amount of terror and tension to satiate the horror lover’s thirst for the scary stuff and DLC content that includes characters from the original Nostromo team, Alien: Isolation is a pretty safe bet to place under the tree.

friday_13th_complete_bluray9. Friday the 13th Complete Collection (Bluray)
Movies are never a bad choice for a gift for a horror fan, especially when those movies happen to be the Friday the 13th films. Although there are a few caveats (promised unrated versions that are clearly the theatrical cuts in a couple of instances) with this rather pricy package, you are getting all available Friday the 13th films in bluray format, in one complete package. I mean, this is still pretty sweet, right? And look, we are even giving you this here Amazon link to make it extra special easy to order: this link right here.

myers-reaction8. Reaction Retro Action Figures
I’m not saying that these 3 and 3/4″ action figures are the ULTIMATE Christmas gift, BUT these 3 and 3/4″ action figures are the ULTIMATE Christmas gift. These lil bad-boys which, by the way, are totally compatible with all your vintage Star Wars AND G.I. Joe toys (oh yeah… sorry Cobra Commander but that’s what you get for trying to build a base in Camp Crystal Lake!!!) include: Jason Voorhees, Freddy Krueger, Michael Myers, Ghost Face, The Crow (yeah, yeah, I know), Pinhead, Sam from Trick R’ Treat AND a whole line of Universal Classic Monster figures. Sooooo…WHY THE HELL AREN’T YOU BUYING THESE RIGHT NOW?!?!?!?! Here’s the link.

halloween-blu-ray-box-set-artwork7. Halloween: The Complete Collection (Bluray)
Yeah, we’ve already had one extremely cool ULTIMATE bluray set already, but why stop there? AND, why not get even MORE expensive? I mean, c’mon, you wanna show you care, right? Well, unless you’re a cheapskate or wanna prove to that special lil horror fan of yours that you really don;t love them, you’ll pony up for the Halloween Complete Collection. 15 frickin disks!!! All the movies, including those Rob Zombie ones you’ll never admit to liking all in one set!!!

**Looks like there are some audio sync issues on H4, which Anchor Bay has addressed below:
“On behalf of Anchor Bay and Scream Factory, we want to thank everyone that has purchased the Halloween Complete Collection. We hope you are enjoying it and all the work that went into bringing it to you, the fans. Unfortunately there is an audio sync issue with Halloween 4 that has always existed on that film with every release. We attempted to fix one of the problems prior to this release but in doing so, it created sync issues elsewhere in the film, which has now come to light. For the past two weeks we have been working to fix the problems that have arisen and we have been able to fix the sync issues at the 46 minute mark. We will be issuing a replacement disc to anyone that has been affected.

If you were affected by a Halloween 4 sync issue and would like a replacement disc sent to you, please follow these instructions:

In order to receive a replacement with the first batch being sent, send an e-mail to ABEHalloween4@Starz.com no later than October 31, 2014 and include the following:

1) Proof of purchase (photo or scan of receipt or digital receipt from on-line retailer)
2) Your name
3) Mailing address

Your replacement disc will then be shipped to arrive no later than November 14, 2014.

Thank you again for bringing Michael home.”

Ash-lego6. Horror Legos
These are friction cute!!! Also, put this on your desk at work and you will totally REPRESENT, SON!!! Seriously, I love legos, and I happen to love companies that make horror legos. So, yeah, these aren’t exactly official, but hey, who cares, they have Walking Dead legos!!! I have seen a LOT of custom horror legos, but this company honestly does the characters justice. From Ash from the Evil Dead series to Leatherface and beyond, these are just the right size for PERFECT stocking stuffers for that extra special horror fan in your life.

**UPDATE** Sadly, unless you live in the UK, these won’t be shipping to the US in time for the holidays. That being said, just put the photo in that sock hangin from the mantle, let them know they are on their way, and you’re still gonna be hero!

Purchase direct from the manufacturer here

goat_sweater5. Satanic Sweaters (GoatHead Pentagram Satanic Sweater)
Its hard to look hardcore in that int sweater you got last Christmas. You know the one, with the sleigh? And the reindeer? and the eggnog vomit all over it? Yeeeaaaahhh, that one. Well, never fear..err..always fear? Either way, this sweater is sure to tell the family that you’re ready to Jingle Bell RAWK…straight to hell!!! This is usually where I would put a little icon of a hand giving those pointy devil horns just to make this post a lil more metal..but that’s an awful lot of work, when I can just talk about it and bypass searching for that image all together. SO there you have it, an awesome goat headed Satanic sweater…and its only 66.66 on sale. Yup. Here be the link


frightrags-silent-night-deadly-night4. 30th Anniversary Silent Night, Deadly Night Gift Set
We just cannot get enough of this 30th Anniversary gift set. Horror themed Christmas items can be a little hard to find, but to find a set like this, revolving around one film is just downright impossible. Fright Rags brings us this fantastic package that includes t-shirt (the usual awesome Fright Rag quality), sweater (with the words “PUNISH” emblazoned across it letting everyone know the value of being nice over naught), X-Mas stocking (yes, you actually get your very own X-Mas stocking, “naughty” already donning the top) AND your very own Silent Night, Deadly Night ornament (hey, it can be hard making that tree look cool). There are only 225 of these price to go at $125.00, so you better get your bloody little hands on these quickly before they’re gone!!! Get yours here!

3. Horror Boards (board game)
Well, it just wouldn’t be our list if we didn’t peddle some of our own wares, right? There are some good horror board games out there, sure, but, let us ask you a question, “can you play as Jason Voorhees?” As Freddy Krueger? As Chucky? As Dutch from Predator? The Predator? Now what if all your favorite characters were competing for the highest body in a game that combines a traditional board game style playing atmosphere with that of a customizable collectible card game? That’s Horror Boards, an original board game from Horror FIx. Now, even though the game doesn’t launch till February, we are giving away an exclusive “hero” card with any per-order from now until the launch. Game ships with 4 interchangeable boards, 5 playable character cards, a Plot Twist deck, a ToolShed and game tokens. Pre-order information can be directed to info@horror-fix-8a6e5a.ingress-erytho.easywp.com.

2. Horror Buddies (Horror Decor)
babybuddy_smallandlarge_420c7551-9fce-4f8f-acdd-f166b9a4bc59_1024x1024I LOVE Horror Decor, I really do. Why paint your walls rose when they can be that nice shade of crimson that we horror fans love so much. For the horror decorator there really aren’t that many places you can go for hand-made custom horror decorations. That’s where Horror Decor comes in from candles to bath mats to these frickin ADORABLE horror character pillows!!! Part maniacal slasher, part bag-o-sleepy, characters in the line include Jason, Freddy, Clown, Horror Farmer and The Baby. Large buddies are $50.00, mini buddies are $20.00. I was gonna end this with a “9, 10 never sleep again”, but it just doesn’t work here…. Buddies can be purchased here.
zombie-bowls1. Zombie Head and Hand Salsa Serving Set
Why? Because we entertain, that’s why!!! These are just simply awesome. PLUS, its already gonna be Christmas, with New Years right around the corner this is the perfect gift to get excited about, AND how crazy geeking out are your friends gonna be come February and and you have that little Walking Dead midseason premiere party with a lil salsa verde oozing out of a walker’s skull. It’s just cool, they’ll love it, BUY IT!!! Click this NOW!!!

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