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Will You Catch V.D. This Halloween?

Will You Catch V.D. This Halloween?


Valentine DayZ, that is! What did you think we meant?

Yes, boils and ghouls, the zom-com that packs a punch and swings a mean hammer is now streaming everywhere!


Amazon: https://amzn.to/2xEXwPd

Google Play: http://bit.ly/2QSdVrw

iTunes: https://apple.co/2vhhm1L

Vimeo: http://bit.ly/2Q7wiHW

Vudu: http://bit.ly/2IdPmBl

Microsoft XBOX: http://bit.ly/2ORrt5e

The movie stars Dallas Valdez, Carrie Keagan, Diane Ayala Goldner and Robert Mukes… plus one wisecracking ventriloquist dummy. It’s written and directed by Mark Allen Michaels (The Fiancé).

According to a review published by Vaulted Treasures earlier this week, Valentine DayZ “cleverly does what Stephen King will often do, which is to set a smaller more intimate story tangentially within the same universe as a more sprawling one. In the same way say in which King’s short stories Jerusalem’s Lot and One For The Road function as a prequel and sequel respectively (but with different characters) to the 1975 novel Salem’s Lot, so does writer / director Micheals’ Valentine DayZ seem to be a smaller scale, more personal ‘taking-place-over-in-the-corner-there’ story set within the apocalyptic zombie disease infected landscape of Max Brooks’ World War Z.”

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