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We NEED Horror Blocks NOW…and so do you!!!

We NEED Horror Blocks NOW…and so do you!!!

We see a lot of geek centric  loot boxes on ye ‘ole interwebz as of late, but it always seems that unless you are already wearing a Zelda shirt and can give us the entire episode recap to the last season of Battlestar Galactica there really is nary a reason for the horror fan to get excited. Well, perish the thought!!! We were doing a lil of the “googles” this morning and came across HorrorBlock, a horror themed box o’ loot subscription service that, you guessed it, is tailor made to appease the horror geek in us all. Well, we want it. I mean we really, REALLY really want it, and we know you do to. Which is why if you visit the site now and subscribe, you are going to get yourself a nice lil discount using the promo code OHMY and receive 10% off your first month’s subscription. However, to get this month’s Block (February) you need to subscribe before 11PM EST TONIGHT. We, of course, were good lil horrorphiles and we will definitely be getting our February Block and would absolutely hate to rub it in your face…yes, the block…omg, what were you thinking?!?!? What we are going to do for you kiddies who just happen to procrastinate a lil too much…sigh… is that we are going to give you a nice video review of the Block’s contents as soon as we receive it. SO if that won;t get you salivating, you’re probably already amongst the legions of shambling undead, salivating beyond control…well, if those delivery glands still work…SCIENCE PEOPLE!!!

So, seriously, Subscribe NOW!!! Here!!!

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