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THE SLASHER APP offers FREE advertising to struggling horror businesses

THE SLASHER APP offers FREE advertising to struggling horror businesses

THE SLASHER APP offers FREE advertising to struggling horror businesses

Damon Gerard, creator of the mobile horror app, SLASHER, has been providing a sense of community for everyone who loves horror during these unprecedented times. In an effort to further help, SLASHER will offer FREE advertising for struggling horror businesses.

As the pandemic continues to ravage the world, we’re all doing what we can to survive; not only physically, but also in the sense of maintaining how we manage day to day. Everyone has been impacted in one way or another. Many of us are out of work, our social lives have seen drastic downturns, and our ability to simply make human connections has become very difficult. As horror fans…as people…we’re all in this together.

While watching the docu-series, A Toy Store Near You (Amazon Prime), the 1313 Mockingbird Lane episode resonated with me. Frontline healthcare workers & horror toy store owners, Terry & Liz Taylor, are the same passionate members of the horror community you might run into at a convention and they are struggling to keep their store open. They made a difference by providing perspective, now I want to make a difference by providing what I can. Support indie horror.” – Damon Gerald

Fortunately, SLASHER has gotten to a point where they can do something to help those who own horror-oriented businesses that are at risk of closing, or have suffered critical financial loss, due to the continuing pandemic. It’s not only retail shops, but the lack of conventions in 2020 that hurt the vendors who rely on them – many of whom count on that income to get by. In order to help people keep their businesses alive, SLASHER is offering FREE advertising to those businesses who could use the help. This offer will last until at least the end of April, but may be extended. I can’t promise sales, but I can promise visibility. Please send an email to ads with your store/business name, website address, and your name.

SLASHER – The Social Network for Horror


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