Breakout Movie, The Alien Report, Releasing As U.S. Pentagon Scrambles To Understand Real Alien Phenomena
If you’ve been following the news this month, the United States Pentagon has confirmed strange, alien phenomena in our skies. Congress has demanded all government related U.F.O documents be handed over in the next 180 days. For anyone wondering if this is fact or fiction, it’s fact. Earths Dreamland, a new startup film company, is releasing The Alien Report late this summer. The Alien Report is narrated by a clever, deaf teenager who has been filming his alien encounters with a hidden micro camera. For anyone wondering if The Alien Report is based on fact or fiction, it’s based on what alien ‘experiencers’ are reporting.
“The Alien Report is an immersive experience, designed to bring the viewer on an alien encounter, says Michael Sell, Partner at Earths Dreamland. He warns, “it’s not a slick Hollywood production like Contact or Arrival, this is a hand-held, gritty journey down the rabbit-hole of the alien phenomena”. [tags, Alien Abduction movie, the Alien Report]
A pre-theater test release of The Alien Report is available only at

The Alien Report, Releasing As U.S. Pentagon Scrambles To Understand Real Alien Phenomena

Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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