Ash HamiltonBlogsMovie NewsMovie ReviewsMoviesNewsReviewsHorror Score Card – HorrorFix rates the films of Eli RothAsh11/19/201511/19/2015 by Ash11/19/201511/19/20152 57 After watching both “Green Inferno” and “Knock Knock” in the span of a week I decided that although Eli Roth is a creative force in...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsAre Criticisms Of “The Green Inferno” Justified?Ash10/12/201510/12/2015 by Ash10/12/201510/12/2015165 Eli Roth‘s The Green Inferno has been a hot topic in gore and horror pictures of late, and while it’s certain to please devoted Roth...
Movie NewsMoviesNewsThe Horrors of AutoCorrect to premiere on Eli Roth’s Crypt TVAsh06/07/2015 by Ash06/07/2015048 Crypt TV, the new digital genre studio co-founded by Hostel and Cabin Fever director Eli Roth, will exclusively premiere The Horrors of AutoCorrect for free...