Book NewsMovie NewsNewsIn The Blink of An Eye, a anthology of horror stories based on ‘Butterfly Kisses’Ash05/08/201905/08/2019 by Ash05/08/201905/08/2019037 In The Blink of An Eye is an anthology of horror stories based on the award winning independent film, Butterfly Kisses. The book will be a...
ExclusivesMovie ReviewsNewsReviewsReview – Butterfly Kisses (2018)Ash01/30/2019 by Ash01/30/2019042 Butterfly Kisses is an interesting film. Although we live in an age when a term like “interesting” can be more derogatory than anything else, the...
DVD/BlurayNewsOn DemandVideo/TVBUTTERFLY KISSES on DVD, Blu-ray, and VOD on October 23Ash10/11/201810/11/2018 by Ash10/11/201810/11/2018044 Gravitas Ventures will release the horror film BUTTERFLY KISSES on DVD, Blu-ray, and VOD on October 23, 2018. The film sets out to prove that the urban...