DVD/BlurayMovie NewsMoviesNewsVideo/TVVestron’s Dagon Coming to Blu-ray 7/24Ash04/05/2018 by Ash04/05/2018080 The Vestron cult classic horror series continues with Dagon, coming to Blu-ray on July 24th with all new special features! PROGRAM DESCRIPTION H.P. Lovecraft’s iconic...
NewsOn The WebVideo/TVNeed a lil more Cthulhu in your Life? The Kickstarter for Dagon might just be the thing!Ash08/05/2015 by Ash08/05/2015054 We seriously just cannot get enough Lovecraft. We’re serious. We mean it. We are NOT KIDDING. Anyways, there are few Kickstarters out there that we...
NewsOn The WebVideo/TVMiskatonic West: Lovecraftian KickstarterAsh10/06/201410/06/2014 by Ash10/06/201410/06/2014049 Miskatonic University has a West Coast campus, and it is the center of an attempt to awaken the primordial god Dagon from the vast unknown...