Shadows of the Night stars Bill Oberst Jr. and Debra Lamb – You want to support a legit SCARY movie – This is it! Now on Indiegogo

Riki Ferrel
By Riki Ferrel 1 Min Read

SHADOWS OF THE NIGHT stars Bill Oberst Jr. and Debra Lamb – You want to support a legit SCARY movie – This is it! Now on Indiegogo

– Unhinged Paranormal Horror starring Bill Oberst Jr. (3 From Hell, Criminal Minds) and Debra Lamb (Point Break, Robocop) campaign is currently LIVE on Indiegogo.

Other cast members include Lili Davis, Alexandria Allerheiligen, Brii Frank, Peter Goldthwaite, Kazuo Salazar, Alyssa Ramirez, and Michael Oliver.

Award winning filmmaker, Todd Braley, "Shadows of the Night is going to be that movie that scares the absolute holy sh*t out of you. I promise."

Imagine a world where ancient evil meets modern technology, where the dark corners of the internet unleash horrors that defy explanation. In Shadows of the Night, a young priest discovers a malevolent spirit possibly spawned from the depths of the Dark Web. As he seeks help from the church, he encounters Bishop Dwyer, whose motives may not be as righteous as they first appear. Amidst this darkness, psychic grandmother Rose emerges, her own past hauntingly intertwined with the unfolding terror.

Indiegogo Campaign:

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Riki studied film at the New York, London and Los Angeles Film Academies simultaneously. He has directed, produced and starred in multiple award winning movies… All of that is complete and total bullshit. Riki is just a middle aged man who has loved horror movies since Poltergeist scared the shit out of him at age nine. I mean, seriously he checked under every bed for like five years. Fuck that clown! Now he's a writer and contributor for
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