Hellblazer by Vertigo/DC comics. Written by Peter Milliagn, Drawn by Giuseppe Camuncoli. $2.99 What can you say about John Constantine, he is such a well thought out character, at times you love to hate him. This comic is one of the long running titles I have read and collected since issue #1. The stories and artist, some good some horrible, have always brought a new twist to the host of characters and storyline of the title. In this issue, it continues on from a storyline that started when John Constantine got married to Epiphany. John is looking for his lost thumb and Gemma his niece is trying to get revenge on him for something she believes he did. Peter Milligan has been the writer for the title for awhile now and he has com into his own with his take on the master magician. The story is interesting and new to the mythos of the old bastard. Giuseppe Camuncoli’s art is just amazing. I have loved this artist from the first time I saw his work. The use of shadows and angles moves the reader along the story very well. The demons and hell-spawn that Constantine constantly deals with are drawn with originality. If you are wanting to try this title out, I might suggest you start at issue 277; the start of this storyline or wait until issue 281 for the new one. Though not always having a horror tinge to it, it is still a extremely good read to add to your collection.
Review – Hellblazer #279
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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