HEIDI VS. THE STATE – Swiss police dismiss civil employee for taking part in “Swissploitation” horror film MAD HEIDI! More than $8’000 raised for legal battle. MAD HEIDI co-writer gets instant dismissal Heidi is facing truly evil forces! Our co-screenwriter was fired (instant dismissal) from his job as a civil employee at the Transport Security section of the Police of Canton of Zurich for his involvement with MAD HEIDI. Unbelievable but true nonetheless! A sense of humor seems to be quite the rarity at the Police Department. We suspect they might have had a little too much of the special brain damaging cheese mix (the one that Heidi will be facing in our movie). Freedom of speech is being kicked in the guts and a top rated employee gets sacked. All because of the MAD HEIDI movie! Our co-screenwriter was not a police officer. When he told his employers he wanted three weeks of unpaid vacation to write a screenplay, it was granted without any reservation. Problems arose when somebody from the team showed the five months old MAD HEIDI teaser to their bosses. Our co-writer was not involved in the teaser in any form. He joined the project at a later time. He is co-writer of an early script draft that no one from the police has read yet. Sorry, dear Police of Canton of Zurich, this is more bizarre than our movie and truly use of excessive force! Nobody has to like MAD HEIDI but in our free country we insist on our right to free speech and artistic freedom. We demand respect towards devotees of black humor, gosh darnit! Our co-writer now has to go through the court system to show those boneheads where Heidi gets her cheese from! This uphill battle will cost him up to CHF 12’000.– (roughly $12.000 USD). Because instant dismissal means no salary from DAY ONE (!!), our co-writer can’t afford a lawyer and we have to ask our fans for help. They can get a HEIDI VS. THE STATE bond bundle and support our writer’s legal battle. In case of victory the police will have to cover legal costs and all donations will be used for the production of MAD HEIDI. Within the first few days, our fans have donated over 8’000 CHF (over $8.000 USD) for our writer’s legal battle! HEIDI VS. THE STATE Fundraiser: madheidi.com/pages/heidi-vs-state For press inquiries, interviews etc. please contact us by email to info@madheidi.com. News article “Zurich Police dismiss employee” from Swiss news platform The Local: thelocal.ch/20190405/zurich-police-dismiss-staffer-for-taking-part-in-horror-film-mad-heidi About MAD HEIDI The first Swissploitation film It’s all been there: Blaxploitation, Mexploitation, Sexploitation, Nunsploitation, Naziploitation. We think it’s about time for the first Swissploitation film! Let’s take famous Swiss mountain girl Heidi, cheese and the beautiful alps and combine them with Nazi gold, chocolate and Fondue. Add a few gallons of blood and lots of fun. That’s MAD HEIDI! MAD HEIDI is directed by Johannes Hartmann, and produced by Tero Kaukomaa (“Iron Sky”) and Valentin Greutert. |

Police fires employee for involvement with ‘MAD HEIDI’
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of Horror-Fix.com, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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