Cult of Dracula Key Issues Generating Heat at NYCC!
You folks have been with us from the beginning. We want to give you a heads up so you can stay ahead of the market on Cult of Dracula! Here’s the scoop! Cult of Draculaand writer/creator Rich Davis generated lots of heat at New York Comic Con!
First, the cover art from the Issue #1 A Cover by Gyula Nemeth was chosen to supplant The Walking Deadas the official sponsor for the Friday badge. Then Source Point Press unveiled its NYCC21 Exclusive ashcan preview of Rise of Dracula #1with art by Chris Campana which became a sought after collectible. Then Blue Juice Comics released a surprise preview of its upcoming horror anthology The Atticwhich includes a short story written by Davis with art by Alex Riegel called Embalming Daythat became another hot exclusive. Finally new information regarding the television series adaptation under developmental by Sure Pictures was released.
Speculators began to make large buys of key issues from the series. Mostly Issues #1, #3 and #6, along with the NYCC21 Exclusive.
For more information on why Cult of Dracula is on fire, read this exclusive article from Frankie’s Comics!
Cult of Dracula TPB
Available NOW in Previews!
FOC DATE: 10/04/2021 SHIP DATE: 10/27/2021
Rise of Dracula #1
The epic Dracula saga from the Nightmares of Rich Davis continues with Rise of Dracula!
FOC DATE: 12/06/2021 SHIP DATE: 12/29/2021
Order Today!
New York Comicon News: Cult of Dracula Generating Heat!
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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