This is one of those situations where we truly have to take a step back and ask the question, “Does the subject of vampirism in a film truly make it a horror movie”? Truly it is trying to position itself as one of those films that walk the edge between genres. Either way, I have always liked Marvel’s darker characters (Blade, Ghost Rider, Man-Thing) so I hope this is just a precursor to more Blade or possibly an actually good Ghost Rider film. Enjoy!
Morbius Trailer Takes a Bite Outta Yer Monday!
Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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