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Looks like that Evil Dead 2 game you’ve been waiting for? Well..hope you like waiting…

Looks like that Evil Dead 2 game you’ve been waiting for? Well..hope you like waiting…


I’m no stranger to Kickstarter. In addition to helping back various projects over the years I’ve also thrown my hat into the ring and attempted to kickstart my own board game, Horror Boards. I learned a LOT from that initial crowdfunding attempt. One very important lesson was this” NEVER GO UP AGAINST A JUGGERNAUT HORROR TITLE LIKE AN OFFICIAL EVIL DEAD 2 BOARD GAME!!! You can chuck it up to fate or just bad time, but hell, how in the world was I even going ot be able to compete against an officially licensed Evil Dead board game…in the immortal words of Vinny the Knife…fuhgedabouit!!! That was a year ago and Space Goat Productions, the company behind the campaign raised nearly three quarters of a million dollars in the duration of their campaign. So, June 2018… how bout that game that surely is in the hands of the pledgers at this point, right? It’s gotta be bloody brilliant, right? I mean, this thing was a home run, AND, at close to a million in receipts…I just know it HAS to be awesome, right?

Well, much to the disappointment of JUST ABOUT EVERYONE… IT STILL DOESN’T EXIST. A year after the campaign’s success nary a copy of the game is to be found. In fact, Space Goat Productions has cited everything from poor planning in their elementary phases to laying the blame at ole Ash Williams himself, leveling charges that it was Campbell’s resistance to sign paperwork that caused the project to fail. Last month Space Goat updated the kickstarter page with a plea to pledgers detailing their plans to “regroup”.

Verdict? With many Evil Dead big leaguers claiming that they were never even approached concerning some of the licensing claims it look like fans might not get any sugar after all in regards to their hard earned cash…maybe only in the form of a class action suit.

For those looking to be pissed off even further, feel free to check out the original campaign here.

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