The Great Buddha Arrival which is a reboot of the long-lost film Daibutsu Kokaiku (1934) quite possibly the first ever daikaiju film from Japan. The film incorporates both suitmation and cg fx.
The all-star ensemble cast of our film, directed by Hiroto Yokokawa, includes legendary actor Akira Takarada (6 Godzilla films, including the original), Peggy Neal (X From Outer Space), Yukijiro Hotaru (Gamera trilogy, Godzilla: GMK), Philip Granger ( Tucker And Dale vs. Evil ), Ippei Ohsako and Inge Murata (both from Shin Godzilla), Shelley Sweeney (4 Godzilla films), Yuki Morita (Godzilla 2014), Toshi Toda (Godzilla 1998) Norman England (2 Godzilla films), Robert Scott Field (Godzilla vs. King Ghidorah), Masanori Kikuzawa, J-Pop superstar Momoka Iwata, rapper Yuma, Kazuma Yoneyama, Jun’ichiro Nirasawa and Yoshihiko Ohtsuki (both from Godzilla: Final Wars), and Takashi Yasuda!!