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Dead Reckoning and Other Stories

Dead Reckoning and Other Stories


Dead Reckoning and Other Stories

Out October 5th on Kindle and paperback from Crystal Lake Publishing

An emotional sampler of life on Earth as it once was.

In this collection of sixteen dark, literary tales, disparate characters and their decedents twine and interconnect throughout America from the rural seventies to the post-apocalyptic, stitching together a nefarious mosaic of experiences.

Whether delving into the exploits of a murderous police officer and lapsing priest engaged in a battle of wills in the sun-blasted dunes of Death Valley, or an anthropologist couple sorting their infertility issues after inadvertently unleashing an ice-age killer plague, or a mysterious ferry in the Pacific Northwest holding the darkest secrets of a private eye’s final case, or a man so obsessed with touching the infinite that he eagerly volunteers for a one-way mission to preserve the final remnants of mankind, Dead Reckoning and Other Stories ultimately yields a kind of found almanac for human posterity.

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