On The WebPopcorn Horror Sends out a Call to All Indie Filmmakers!!!Ash02/10/201309/21/2013 by Ash02/10/201309/21/2013045 Lookin to get your short film seen? Looking to get a lil cash in the process? Popcorn Horror and Texas Frightmare are upping the ante...
BlogsChristopher YoungDVD/BlurayExclusivesMovie NewsMoviesTaeter City (2012)Christopher Young02/08/201309/21/2013 by Christopher Young02/08/201309/21/2013058 Gore filled horror movies can be a tough sell and rarely see a wide release. This leads to many great movies being brushed aside so...
BlogsChristopher YoungDVD/BlurayExclusivesMoviesTop 5 Horror Flicks of 2012Christopher Young01/28/201309/21/2013 by Christopher Young01/28/201309/21/2013035 This was a really tough year for horror films. You either needed to be a “possession” of some sort or “found footage” to succeed. So...
Movie NewsMoviesOn The WebMonica Mattos: From X-Rated to horror films in “The Augusta Street Ripper”Ash01/11/201309/21/2013 by Ash01/11/201309/21/2013060 Uh… Brazilian Porn Stars and Horror? Count us in! We received this press release earlier today with a tasty lil photo of the star… enjoy!...
Christopher YoungDVD/BlurayVideo/TVReview – Adam Chaplin (2011)Christopher Young12/21/201209/21/2013 by Christopher Young12/21/201209/21/2013142 A good friend of mine and fellow gore hound Jon came to me with a simple title, Adam Chaplin. By the name alone I could...
Ash HamiltonTelevisionThe Walking Dead – Midseason RecapAsh12/14/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/14/201209/21/2013053 Andrea manages to screw yet another psycho… Rick plays telephone with a head full of crazy… Herschel saves an assload on new shoes.. Carl is...
Christopher YoungDVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesOn DemandVideo/TVReview – Remains (2011)Christopher Young12/09/201209/21/2013 by Christopher Young12/09/201209/21/20130103 With the massive success of The Walking Dead it is no surprise to see another comic book adaption rear it’s roting skull. In 2004 Steve...
DVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesVideo/TVLet the Right One In (2008): A Nordic Take on the Contemporary Vampire StoryAnski12/09/201209/21/2013 by Anski12/09/201209/21/2013038 I thought I’d write about a Swedish vampire movie since there’s this huge smear campaign about vampires going on, and I think this movie really...
Chandler BullockOn The WebVideo/TVReview – Out There (Horror Short)Ash12/09/201209/21/2013 by Ash12/09/201209/21/2013028 Horror shorts are a wonderful thing. No, I’m not talking about those awesome under-roos with Freddy Krueger’s face on the crotch (although using the front...
Christopher YoungDVD/BlurayMovie ReviewsMoviesVideo/TVReview – The Theater BizarreChristopher Young12/09/201209/21/2013 by Christopher Young12/09/201209/21/2013033 I am a fan of anthologies, especially when it comes to the horror variety. Looking back we have seen a number of these and only a few...