Cult of Dracula Movie Now In Development by BR Films!
###BR Films, the production team behind such streaming hits as Dope Boy Magic, Monogamish, Crossover and The Last Call, has purchased the film production rights to Cult of Dracula from Sure Pictures. BR Films executive producer Marquand Ragland says the company will put the project into immediate development.
An underground hit originally released by Second Sight Publishing, Cult of Dracula lit the indie comics world on fire when it was picked up by Source Point Press. Driven by massive support from a dedicated fanbase and local comic shops, Cult of Dracula would go on to become a Top 100 best selling comic of 2021!
Cult of Dracula was optioned by Sure Pictures. Producer Jerry Carita said he’s happy that the deal with BR Films was struck! “From the moment I read the first issue, I knew Rich had something special. Bringing BR Films on board takes us one step closer to proving me right!” Carita and Ragland have expressed mutual interest in Carita remaining involved with the project in some capacity. [BR Films, Cult of Dracula]
As successful as it has been, Cult of Dracula is not without controversy. Writer/Creator Rich Davis caused a stir when he decided to ditch the widow’s peak, cape and tuxedo in favor of a svelte femme fatale with goat horns, bat-like wings and a serpent’s tail.
“From the beginning, I knew one thing. It may have been the only thing I “knew”, but I knew it in my bones. I would not tell another story about an Eastern European dude buying up all the real estate in Victorian London.” said Davis. “There’s just no need for that story to be told again. It’s been told so many times and so very, very well that I didn’t believe I could add anything to it.”
Davis chose instead to give Dracula a more universal origin story. “Vampires don’t solely belong to the west. They exist in virtually every human culture that has ever walked the face of the earth.” Davis says he drew inspiration from mythologies from all over the world to create his Dracula. “The Deer Woman from Cherokee legend. Jorogumo from Japan. Medusa from ancient Greece. Kali from Hinduism. I took Dracula all the way back to Lilith and the Garden of Eden.”
Four Out Of Five Critics Agree: Cult of Dracula is great!
Chase from Horror Geek Life: 4/5
“Cult of Dracula never holds back. It moves at a neck-breaking pace, and the story never relents. Right when the reader believes they’ve been shocked for the last time, BAM, someone gets ripped in half, small intestines flying everywhere. Rich Davis knows what story he is telling and the audience he is telling it for. All horror fans can do is hold on for dear life and join the Cult of Dracula.Wayne from Major Spoilers: 9.3/10
“This book grabs you by the short and curlies right from the very beginning and doesn’t let you go. The dialogue is gripping, and the story unfolds in a powerful way. 9.3/10!”Paul from the Pull Box: 9/10
“Rich Davis doesn’t take a straight line approach to adapting Stoker’s classic. Cult of Dracula is a unique and suspenseful ride. The characters are deeply driven by angles and agendas. The art by Henry Martinez accentuates the creepy, off-putting aesthetic created by Davis’s work. Cult of Dracula is a must read for fans of horror! 9/10”Sarospice from Goodreads: 1/5
“No. Cannot recommend. If you’re friends with someone who wrote, drew, or inked this, I’m sorry … I’m sure you’ve had to have that conversation: ” it was um…. At least you guys made a comic, right?”David from David Has Issues: 8.5/10
“This is not your grandfather’s scary story. It has deep psychological touches which lend it power and credibility. Issue #1 wraps you in a mystery that you both cannot wait to solve and at the same time are dreading to unravel. Cult of Dracula will be one of the ‘can’t miss’ comics of 2020!”
What’s Next From Rich Davis?
PROMETHEUS IN CHAINS The third nightmare from Rich Davis is a play on Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein set in the post WWII “atomic age”. Victor and Elizabeth Frankenstein are among the Jewish scientists who fled Nazi Germany, worked on the Manhattan Project and helped the allies bring dw the Reich.
Prometheus In Chains is available for pre-order in the March edition of Diamond’s Previews magazine. Issue #1 hits shelves in fine comic book stores everywhere 5/03/23
Cult of Dracula | Website
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Ash Hamilton is not only the owner of, but also one of its major contributors. A long time horror movie enthusiast, Ash has lent his personality to radio and television and continues to support his favorite genre through his writing and art. He also loves beef jerky and puppies... and low-grade street-quality hallucinogens.
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