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“AURORA 1897” – Creature Feature + Western + Nazis + Time Travel?!?!

“AURORA 1897” – Creature Feature + Western + Nazis + Time Travel?!?!

Loving this particular genre mashup!!!
From the kickstarter campaign:

“Across the last 20 years I’ve written art books and curated exhibitions for some truly brilliant artists, both living and dead. Through that time I also became part of a wonderful, tight-knit community of creative humans.

In 2014 I developed Guillain-Barré syndrome, which left me temporarily paralyzed and unable to walk. Stuck in a hospital bed, pumped full of drugs and feeling overwhelmed with existential terror, I began thinking about how long I’d neglected my own creative spirit.  When I recovered, I pulled my friends together to make something really strange with the mantra: “What if Alejandro Jodorowsky created a Twilight Zone episode?”

Once I’d decided to do this, I would have made it with sock puppets if I had to; everything we could bring into the process beyond that was a bonus.  And since so many things in movie-land that are insanely ambitious get talked about but never seem to get actually made, I didn’t want to open my mouth about this until I had it as close to the finish line as I possibly could.  All the puzzle pieces are on the table, we just need funds to pull everything together. With your help, this movie can be completely finished before the end of the year.

From the concept phases to the creature construction and the soundtrack and movie posters I think you’ll love how much attention we paid to art direction and utilizing everyone’s unique talents.  Join us on Kickstarter and through your support and our updates, you can become a part of our movie’s completion process.”

Head on over to their page and pledge now!

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