M. Night Shyamalan's latest endeavor, "Trap" sadly falls short of expectations even when measured against his more lackluster offerings. While Shyamalan has been known for a mix of hits and misses, "Trap" regrettably lands in the latter category, delivering...
“Mandy” (2018)
“Mandy” is an audacious, visually striking journey into the depths of revenge and madness. Directed by Panos Cosmatos, the film stars Nicolas Cage in one of his most intense performances. The story revolves around Red Miller (Cage), whose...
"Longlegs," directed by Oz Perkins, emerges as one of the standout horror films of 2024, delivering a unique blend of serial killer procedural and occult horror. The film captivates from the start with its eerie atmosphere and gripping narrative....