The Transylvanians: A Rocky Horror Tribute In celebration of the 50th Anniversary of The Rocky Horror Picture Show in 2025, DRagonSTUDIOS presents The Transylvanians: A Rocky Horror Musical Tribute Film.The story follows a young priest dispatched on a peculiar mission to uncover the truth behind the mysterious disappearance of a...
EUREKAENTERTAINMENTANNOUNCES MABUSE LIVES! DR MABUSE AT CCC: 1960–1964 A Collection of Crime Thrillers featuring the Infamous Master Criminal, Dr Mabuse [Blu-ray] 4/1/25 Eureka Entertainment is proud to announce the release of MABUSE LIVES! DR MABUSE AT CCC: 1960–1964, six crime thrillers featuring the infamous master criminal, coming to Blu-ray on...
Filming Begins for THE CARETAKER starring Avaryana Rose, Robert Bronzi, Daniel Baldwin, & Rampage Jackson The new action thriller, THE CARETAKER is Fady Jeanbart’s feature film directorial debut and s a co-production between Millman Productions, Pyramax Productions, Babe Entertainment, Triple Origin Productions LLC, and Ron Lee Productions. Millman Productions run...
The Asylum’s latest Mockbuster!: HERETICS a day-and-date theatrical on Friday, December 6th.! THEATERS: Laemmle Glendale (Glendale, CA) Aurora Cineplex (Roswell, GA) Film Noir Cinema (Brooklyn, NY) Hickory Ridge Cinemas (Brunswick, OH) Trylon Cinema (Minneapolis, MN) TRAILER: SYNOPSIS: Recovered footage documents the horror of a group teens who break into...
Nightdive Studios’ The Thing: Remastered Available Now Digitally on PC and Consoles Remastered Edition of Cult-Classic Survival Horror Game Marks a Gruesome Return to the Chilling Setting of one of the Most Influential Horror Films of All Time Yesterday, during the PC Gaming Show: Most Wanted livestream, Nightdive Studios —...