“The Substance” has an eerie, thought-provoking quality that brings to mind the unsettling atmosphere of a classic Twilight Zone episode. Under Coralie Fargeat’s direction, the film creates a strange, captivating world where reality feels just a little off-kilter, drawing viewers into a suspenseful narrative that’s both intense and unpredictable. Demi Moore...
A24’s latest horror entry, MaXXXine, the concluding chapter of Ti West’s X trilogy, was poised to deliver an edgy, neon-drenched thrill ride. Unfortunately, despite high expectations, the film stumbles into mediocrity, bogged down by a meandering plot and a lack of emotional depth. It tries to blend slasher tropes with satire on the...
Terrifier 3 delivers exactly what fans of the franchise have come to expect: over-the-top, grotesque kills courtesy of Art the Clown. But beyond that, it’s hard to find much substance, and after three movies, it’s clear that the franchise is stuck in a creative rut. The film’s primary selling point...
M. Night Shyamalan’s latest endeavor, “Trap” sadly falls short of expectations even when measured against his more lackluster offerings. While Shyamalan has been known for a mix of hits and misses, “Trap” regrettably lands in the latter category, delivering a narrative that feels more confined by clichés than by the...
“Mandy” (2018) “Mandy” is an audacious, visually striking journey into the depths of revenge and madness. Directed by Panos Cosmatos, the film stars Nicolas Cage in one of his most intense performances. The story revolves around Red Miller (Cage), whose idyllic life with his girlfriend Mandy (Andrea Riseborough) is shattered...