“Full Moon Slaughter 2: Altered Beasts” is a horror anthology where bloody, furious and unleashed were-beasts take the protagonist role (perhaps… the wolf is...
Popcorn Frights Film Festival, the largest genre film event in Southeast US, is excited to announce that submissions are now open for the fourth edition...
AWARD WINNERS ANNOUNCED FOR THE 4TH ANNUAL PHILIP K. DICK EUROPEAN SCI-F I FILM FESTIVAL Festival Honored The Excellence of Independent Sci-Fi Cinema Over 40...
The critically lauded HOLLYWOOD HORRORFEST (HHF) is game-changing the horror film festival scene once again by launching its own branded Amazon TV series this week....
From the press release: “It’s back, Scream Factory’s SHOCKTOBER, our annual Halloween sale that’s so good, it’s scary! We’re digging up some deep discounts and...